Hi From Ok

I am Alieda and I live in the wonder plains of our country in Ok. I live in a very small Ok town up by the Kansas border in fact Kansas is about 20 miles from where I live. I have be shopping for a while off and on but now I want to make it a true part of our retirement income. My hubby Lannie and I both have part time work things , He works at the town local library. I just found your site and wanted to say hi. Here is a little more personal information we have be married for 41 years as of last Valentine's Day. We have two grown sons Lannie Jr and Jeff. Jeff lives close by in Tulsa about 2 two hours away and Lannie Jr lives across the country in California. SO I look forward to getting to know my follow shoppers .

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There are some nice opportunities out there. Take what pays best for you. Listen to advice but you don't always have to take it. If you're unsure ask. If you're still unsure, ask again. If you still don't get it, ask someone else tongue sticking out smiley Get a note pad. And don't take on too much so you don't end up burnt out. I am free all week. Zero shops schedule for September so far... and I'm kind of okay with it for the time being. It's quiet and I'm relaxed. winking smiley Of course, I have a 9-5 (actually 4a-12p or 4a-8p etc) 40 hours a week..

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