I survived my first month as a mystery shopper. Yay!
I started out doing the "take surveys" route and became quickly dismayed at the amount of time it took for little return. Then this "mystery shopping" opportunity presented itself. After just about passing out due to nerves I completed my first shop in July. After that its been much easier on the nerves.
Due to the way MSC's paydates are so far away, it seems like a whole lot of $$ going out and nothing in return.
My cranky fiance complained about the gas money and when I'm going to get paid. I got a bit angry with him, got over it and kept booking shops and traveling. I took him to a movie shop and he then said it was my birthday present because he paid for the tickets. I reminded him he was going to get reimbursed when the shop paid... Geeze... Men.
Anyway, I've learned a lot from reading your posts and wanted to thank you all!!!
Im in the middle of New Hampshire. Its rather rural, so I like to book routes. See! I'm learning the lingo.
Excuse the grammar... Lol... I write reports with grammer check turned on.