New from NE Tennessee

I haven't even started this, but wanted to find as much info as I could and this looks like the place to come to. I'm married to my best friend for nearly 24 years (actually 3rd marriage and three times a charm) I have three sons by first marriage and they have made me a grandmother X 11 and Great grandmother x 2. I was just looking for something to keep me busy but at my own pace. I have some serious health issues, but I refuse to give in to them. I have worked in the medical field for about 19 years, mostly in three areas, Newborns, labor and delivery and Laboratory. I have made reborn dolls and did that for 10 years, now occasionally I will make one, but not like I was when I was doing custom orders. Anyway just looking for a new hobby and a little extra cash and some fun doing it. Nice to meet everyone. xx

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