Ready To Roll ! grinning smiley

Hi my Name is Alyson. I'm here to start mystery shopping, anywhere and everywhere. I used to work for a survey company for 4 years, and loved it. I heard about mystery shopping from my boss, who was assigned to mystery shop food chains such as McDonalds. I thought it was cool how she got to evalute peoples productivity and personality, as well as benefit with compensation, and the food! Our company had also been mystery shopped before, and I had been mystery shopped myself. I'm pretty familiar with what is done, and would love to experience it myself. I will be living in the Massachusetts area for the next month. In mid- June, i will be living in NewHampshire. If there is any mystery shopping job opportunities in Mass, or New Hampshire, let me know..and I will be glad to help out!



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Hi Alyson and welcome to the forum. In order to do shops you must get signed up with the companies that produce them. This forum is primarily shoppers sharing experience, though there is a small job board. Let me encourage you to read through the forum as everything you need to get started is here.
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