Texas ya'll

Hi from Texas - i"m new to the forum but not to mystery shopping - hoping to swap hints on how to do this more efficiently - I feel like sometimes I make this harder than it is...

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Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Hi I am a Texas mystery shopper as well. Have done this off and on for 10 years now.
@Canadianghetto, your username is a masterful red herring. I'll bet you're good at MSing. smiling smiley I never would have guessed that you were from Texas.

ETA: and welcome meredithhg or should I say "howdy, ya'll"

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/05/2016 02:40PM by ChrisCooper.
Welcome to the forums! I've noticed that shoppers tend to stay organized/efficient with a spreadsheet of their shops, expenses, mileage, payouts etc.

Here's a good one for beginners: [www.mysteryshopforum.com]. It was made by Flash (not the program, the forum member) smiling smiley

Recruiter @ Sensors Quality Management Inc. (SQM) [www.sqm.ca] [www.evaluateitbysqm.com]
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