request for info that would violate forum rules deleted

I previously did mystery shops for [ ], but the company I did them for no longer offers them. [request for info that would violate ICA and forum rules deleted by mod]

Mod note: See other thread you started

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The company I did Krispy Kreme shops for no longer offers them. [request for forum members to violate their ICAs and forum rules deleted by mod]

It is against forum rules and an ICA violation to link the client with the MSC. Please do not ask forum members to violate these rules.
I saw some pop up new on a site I have shopped for for a few years,,,so they may have moved
I LOVE their doughnuts!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/28/2016 06:53PM by casper7776.
I don't know if more than one MSC has Krispy Kreme as a client. I know of one MSC with the KK account. The client does not post nationwide, rather, they post shops by region. After eons, shops are in my area.
This 'started life' as two posts that named a client and was asking if a different MSC was doing the shops now. The two posts were about different clients if I recall correctly. It certainly has been a butcher job of 'moderation'.

Mod note: Flash, if you can do a better job at this volunteer position, please take my place!!!
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