Newbie Alert!! "The brightly colored chameleon"

The life of a mystery shopper is somewhat elusive and a bit of a mystery to most. I've never been employed as a mystery shopper (until recently) but I have always felt I am inherently one. The moment I became aware of this profession I was instantly intrigued and have had a growing desire to pursue mystery shopping as a career ever since. For the past 3 months I've invested a lot of time to clearly define what I would like from a career, what’s the best I can offer an employer based on my unique skill set, and reassessed my priorities. Compiling all my 'data’ a few things things became very obvious: one, I need to become my own boss, two, mystery shopping is a rewarding and highly enjoyable career path which compliments and utilizes many of the traits I value, and three, I'm ready to find a way to make this dream a reality.
I’ve come to consider myself a ‘brightly colored chameleon’. Meaning, I have the ability to blend and fit in while standing out, much like a flamingo who’s coral feathers are a little bit brighter than the rest of the bunch. Deep understanding, clear communication, creative solutions, an honest desire to help in whatever way I’m able and providing detailed education are some of my best qualities I wish to use in my daily life- home and office. Mystery shopping is one of several interconnected side jobs I'm pursuing to become self reliant/employed, and one piece of my life's puzzle I'm hoping will contribute to my ultimate goal- helping others, on a more massive scale, learn how to love, appreciate, accept and help themselves so they can become the best, happiest versions of themselves they choose to be. Ultimately I strive to be the best and happiest person I can be and am passionate about helping others do the same for themselves and their business.
I'm not all business though! Shop talk aside, I'm a vibrant, eclectic individual who loves to laugh and spread the laughter. A 'natural groomer' (humans!! no animals, I love 'em, to the core, one can commonly find me helping random strangers with a variety of skin, hair, makeup, clothing, communication or other interesting and off beat topics. I've always known and appreciated that I am different and have been taking 'weird' as a compliment since 5th grade (I really need to get that on a T-shirt!!). "I don't want or need to be like everyone else, I just want acceptance' (one of my many phrases, have lived by for almost 20 years). From personal experience and by aiding and observing others do the same, I can say that embracing individuality- my personal individuality as well as others, without judgment, to the best of my ability, unlocks this amazingly unlimited potential within a person. The more I accept and embrace my true self, the better the interactions have become with all persons I come into contact with. I don't know where Mystery Shopping (and the like) will lead my career path to, but I do know that it will give me an opportunity to have mutually beneficial interactions with employees & employers, a forum to express my opinions that may have widespread positive impact, and for those who want it, a chance to support others in their quests for happiness.
Thanks for taking the time to get to know a little about me! It's awkward writing about myself at times, but I LOVE to learn about other people. Please, feel free to drop me a line! Random conversations, tips on how I can improve the way I do things or little tid-bits of information are always welcome!! I wish the very best life has to offer to you all- Happy (and safe) shopping!!!
-Until our next encounter! Mz. Candi D.- a brightly colored chameleon

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