Hello everyone, windmillchaser here. Not to sure if you know how difficult it is to chase windmills but trust me, its difficult. I have been in Out Side Sales, Retail and F&B for 40 years. I now am retired and apply those skills learned in those 40 years to mystery shopping. I am now moving away from dedicated Non Reveal Shops to
Reveal Compliance or On Site Investigations.
I already see differences in the two of them. In Reveal Shops you have a letter of introduction and do not have to worry about being revealed.
There are Mystery Shops that have both Reveal and Non Reveal. There is even a Mystery Shop Company that has both in house separated only by their web site:
Example 1: h t t p s : / / x y z shop / reveal or
Example 2: h t t p s : / / x y z shop / non reveal,
If you have a good camera on your phone or have a very good camera with at least 6 mega pixels you have a good chance for landing some very good reveal shop.
I recently completed a reveal shop and I found it refreshing.
The other area are the phone shops that are out there in most of the Mystery Shops. I have done dozens of phone shops for different Mystery Shops and that I think is they are the best. Wake up, fire the old desk top log in grab the phone shops you are interested in, accept it, download guidelines and other needed paperwork.
Sometimes you are required to phone into a dedicated line and input the pass code since that phone number is a dedicated recorded line.
Finish two days later with follow up call and complete the report. Done finished. No leaving your house.
I found mysteryshopforum by accident and I love it. If I have questions concerning Mystery Shopping I look for it here.
Thanks everyone, I have to go out today and look for a windmill to chase.
Michael G.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/18/2016 01:59PM by windmillchaser.