Hey from Seattle

Hey all;

I got into MS'ing about a year ago as a side job to pay down student loans and the car note (started with the audit apps, graduated to full MSPs within a very short period of time although I still mix the apps in when I'm routing)... found out it's pretty fun, and I'm pretty good at it. It's eliminated the need for a second job, and the difficulty I'd have faced having to try and schedule a second job around my primary day job.

Glad I found the forum -- am always trying to hone my skills, figure out the most efficient list of MSP's to work with, and route more efficiently smiling smiley


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Welcome! sounds like you are off to a great start.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Hello ngbmediashop,

I am a Scheduler/Editor that works for Regal Hospitality Group and we are always looking for new shoppers. In order to see shops that we have available in your area, you would first have to apply to become a shopper on our website at Regalhospitalitygroup.com. Please make sure to include detailed answers for the questions that way your application gets accepted. If you have any questions please let me know!

Thank you,

Alexandra Freeman
Regal Hospitality Group
Welcome to the forum!

I think a lot of people have been there as well. I remember my first years of university and those student loans as well. It's good to know that mystery shopping is helping you out. Do you have any favourite types of shops? smiling smiley

Recruiter @ Sensors Quality Management Inc. (SQM) [www.sqm.ca] [www.evaluateitbysqm.com]
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