hello from Missouri

Hello everyone! I would like to become mystery shopper to earn a little extra money for my family and I. I love to shop and think it would be a fun opportunity. I've worked in customer service for many years and know what it takes to provide great service. I would really like to know how to get started as a mystery shopper in Missouri.

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Hi, schoolmom, welcome to the forum. Scroll down on the forum list to "New Mystery Shoppers." I suggest you read the first six sections. That should get you started. Then sign up with as many mystery shopping companies as you can and you should be on your way to being able to apply for lots of mystery shops!
Hello, schoolmom10! Welcome. Mystery shopping takes time and doesn't pay all that great, but you can definitely make some extra money for you and your family. Please take the time to read the New Mystery Shopper section of this forum, which will provide helpful information as you get started. JobSlinger is a free site that helps you find work in your area, and we have an extensive list of mystery shopping providers, in the Mystery Shopping Company Discussion section of this forum.

Good luck, enjoy reading our shared experiences, and do come back with questions and comments!
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