Fairly new and wanting full time work.

Hello, I have been MS for a couple of months now and love it. Unfortunately, I have run out of money and am not yet working "full time". I could use some advice or maybe suggestions on how to get by the first few months since most companies take so long to pay. I miss alot of opportunities because I don't have the money to spend even though it will be reimbursed later. Are there companies who pay faster? How about companies that offer mileage? And how do you move up from the
$10-15 jobs?

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Unfortunately the companies that overall pay the fastest tend also to be the ones that pay the least and have lots of jobs available. That seems to be their tradeoff that keeps shoppers working for them. I know of no normal types of jobs that companies pay mileage routinely. Some, like TrendSource will let you offer to do jobs with a mileage PAD, but to request mileage reduces your likelihood of being awarded the job if other shoppers have not requested it.

I have already been paid by Mintel and TNS for jobs done for them in April, but both jobs required a fair amount of out of pocket money. But jobs for both of these companies paid $15, so that doesn't meet your criteria at all in the areas of cash outlay or fee range.

So I don't know that there are any quick and easy answers for you.
At least initially, I am not sure that MS can be 'full time work', especially if your funds have run out. This is something one works up too. Most companies pay 6-8 weeks out, after the shops are completed. So if you do not have a 'regular job' to keep you afloat, you will be in a world of hurt. The other side to this, is sometimes those payments will be late or your shops are not accepted for some reason. It is about planning and developing your resources so you have a regular income base coming in. Until that happens, I wouldn't quit your 'day job'.
The first few months are tough. I think it was Flash who suggested starting a 'kitty account'. Money put into it from fees received would then be used for required shop purchases. It will take a while to build the kitty account though. If you have the time, take shops with no purchase requirement. Banks, cell phone/wireless shops, apartments/new homes, phone shops, 'browse' shops, new cars, motorcycles, and audits come to mind. The fees then fund your kitty account, but will take 30-60 days, assuming you find and get the shops.

Fast-paying MSPs - Shoppers Inc, TrendSource, iMyst, CoRI, and Bestmark, are some who normally pay in less than a month. As for moving up to higher paying shops, keep shopping and keep your eyes open. There are higher paying shops, but if you're referring to fees and not reimbursement, $10-$20 is about average.
Perhaps I just lucked out but I've gotten three well-paying shops, actually two-day audits and I've been at it for about three months. Look carefully, be picky, keep looking, good luck. And I've been able to 'group' shops if I have to travel, so that's a plus as well. And I don't live in a big city. So, it is possible. Again, good luck.
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