Flash wrote:
"Shops that are too convoluted I am not likely to bother doing again unless they pay very very well--which is rare as generally the more convoluted shops seem to come from the more poorly paying companies."
LOL! Yes, why is that? I suspect they hope the time we spend on minutiae will encourage impulse shopping.
==== Bombeck-style editorial complete, now returning to topic ====
Like Flash, I save instructions to my hard drive. But I conserve drive space, paper and toner ink using the following steps.
1. Open Microsoft Word if you have it, or open Open Office Writer
(unlike Word, it is free and can be downloaded from [http://www.OpenOffice.org]
2. Open a new, blank document in whichever word processor you prefer.
3. Go back to your shop instructions by clicking on your task bar.
4. Single (Left) mouse click anywhere in the Instruction window.
5. Press and hold the Ctrl key and tap the letter A. This highlights everything.
6. Press Ctrl-C (Copies everything highlighted to clipboard)
7. Go back to your word processor by clicking on your task bar.
8. Press Ctrl-V (Pastes clipboard contents into your blank document)
Voila! You can now save paper by removing unnecessary spaces, blank lines, redundant instructions, et cetera. I also reduce the default left, right, top and bottom margins through File--> Page Set Up.
When I do print instructions (like Flash, I do so infrequently), I use Draft rather than Standard or Premium quality to save toner ink.
This process may seem excessive and time consuming at first, but no more so buying reams of paper, waiting for them to print, constantly refilling ink cartridges, then reading often redundant instructions. Editing also has the added benefit of helping reinforce the instructions, and it improves my typing speed and editing skills.
I hope this was helpful.