Hello from a newbie!

Hi, everyone! I'm new here. I've been lurking the past few days trying to soak in all I can before diving in and asking stupid questions. winking smiley

My story: I started MSing about 10 years ago but didn't stick it out for very long because I didn't have the resources I needed to make it work (Job Slinger, this forum, fancy smartphone, etc.). Now I'm back and have all those resources to make it more convenient... but now I have mom-brain slowing me down! I find it's much harder to remember all the details I need for the reports than it used to be. So I came here, looking for experience and recommendations from all you experienced shoppers. I've learned much in the past few days! Thank you to everyone here who shares their knowledge, wisdom, and experience!

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Welcome! You will find that as you do more and different kinds of shops, you will find it easier and more natural to remember the details. Sometimes it's as simple as walking out of the bank mumbling, "male, 6 ft, curly brown hair, glasses." or just using the notepad on your smart phone in a restaurant. But we have all had to go back to take a picture or forgotten to get a receipt (or had it blow out of the car window). So you are among friends here. We laugh at ourselves together and commiserate when head-pounding is called for.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Thanks for the warm welcome! I could definitely use a place for self-teasing and head-pounding right now. grinning smiley
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