looking to earn money while waiting for disability

And Im gonna need some help. I did custom picture framing for the past 30 years. I actually won 75$ from a mystery shopper for offering the right glass. I'm hoping to find jobs in my area and looking forward to getting outside for a while.

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Welcome, Anita. Sadly, you will see that the mystery shopper probably did not make anything near $75 for that shop. The best advice is to sign up for many companies and to read everything you can here, especially the pinned threads. There is much valuable information.
Hi Anita! I wish you the best of luck. You can make a bit of income but it will take awhile to get going. Keep in mind that it takes sometimes 2 months to get paid for shops. I would suggest doing bank shops and other shops that don't require out-of-pocket expenses. Many of the restaurant shops are reimbursement only and you have to make a purchase, so it might be awhile before you see any of that money. Ath Power is a company that does a lot of bank shops.
Hello, Anita. Welcome. I don't know where you are but Maritz and Sentry have some bank shops in my area. The bank shops don't require you to spend any money (unless you take one to set up a new account) so they're good for a new shopper to get some money coming in without a bunch going out up front. Another mystery shop that won't require outlay of cash is the cell phone shop and these are usually readily available anywhere. Try Market Force on those but don't stop there. Keep signing up with new companies.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
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