
Hello! I'm new to these forums and still consider myself a newbie when it comes to MS-ing. I did one enjoyable shop back in 2006, but I haven't really done anything MS wise since. I am really going to give it my all this time around and have started applying with a few more companies but haven't heard much yet. (It's only been a day though, I think I'll only start to worry if I haven't heard from them after a few weeks.) I enjoy getting to know people on forums and learning from others experiences so I will see you around!

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Generally you will hear little from companies you sign up with for a while. You will get an email telling you that you are accepted as a shopper, but it is up to you to check their job boards. Companies are different about how frequently they will email you. Some will send out emails if they have jobs left seemingly regardless of where they are in the country. Some companies will send emails for any job in your area. Some companies will send emails only for unfilled jobs in your area and some companies really never email at all.

I'm completely new to the ms'ing. I'm hoping this will be an exciting adventure for me. Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated!
You found a great place to start. This forum has many wise and experienced mystery shoppers. Just check in regularly. smiling smiley

Gold-certified mystery shopper, San Diego area
Welcome to the forum, mystery809. The New Mystery Shoppers' section is a good place to start reading. From there, just pick and choose!
Hello mystery809,
Welcome to this forum.Its really a nice and great place to start.

Have a nice day.

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