Greetings from CA

Warm greetings from California. I'm a professional that travels 100+ days a year (about a third is international), and am looking forward to the opportunities that Mystery Shopping can provide. I was lured in by an article on the internet that mentioned FREE CRUISES. Has anyone been on one?

I'm as green as they come, having just completed my "silver" certification and signed up with half a dozen companies. I'm thrilled to find this forum, which will undoubtedly become a great resource and area to share as I start shopping. Thanks for reading and have a great day!

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Welcome to the forum! I have seen cruises posted and know they are available but realize that nothing is ever truly free. The more value to the item, the more complex the observations and the longer the report. Since what we do is pay up front and get reimbursed and paid our fee once the shop is accepted, start off with shops that don't have an expenditure more than you would be willing to lose in case you miss an observation and your shop is rejected.
Thanks Flash! I just did my first shop at an electronics store and was amazed at the attention to detail and amount of time required for the "simple" assignment. I''m waiting for feedback before I do another, but can say that I sure hold mystery shoppers in high regard. A small oversight can cost the job literally, and folks on these boards must have honed their craft well. My goal is to get good enough to do a cruise, and wish everyone else success in reaching their goals too.
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