Been away from MS for years...but I'm back smiling smiley

Probably at least 15 years ago, I was huge into mystery shopping. I got several awesome contracts and was doing it pretty close to full-time for a while (It was CRAZY...I never wanted to eat at McDonalds again lol). Then, I had kids, opened a daycare, started my own retail business (a semi-annual children's consignment sale event), and just gradually got out of the MS world. forward to 2016: My husband is in the oil industry...which is tanking...and his salary has been cut due to the oil economy. At this point we're just grateful he still has a job and not sure how long it will last. I sold my consignment sale business 2 years ago, so I don't have that income coming in anymore. So, I decided to look back into mystery shopping. How fun to see some of the old companies that I used to work for, and lots of new ones too. I'm grateful to be doing this now because I used to have to fax reports and receipts in (and sometimes even mail). Things have gotten better winking smiley. Anyway, I found this board as I was trying to seek out more information on what is out there nowadays. Grateful to be here. Thank you!

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It is LOTS easier! Pulling out a big ol camera used to be totally obvious (luckily it wasn't asked for TOO often) and now pictures are so commonplace it's no big deal! Screenshotting timings versus trying to remember everything from my watch. Filling out all reports online versus papers EVERYWHERE. It really is LOTS nicer nowadays lol.
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