Help I'm New Here and I Am Totally Lost How or Where Do I introduce Myself

Hi, I am a 57 year old grandma from the wonderful island of Puerto Rico. Happy New Years 2016 Everyone!
I will be needing a lot of help from everyone and will greatly appreciate it. I don't understand how to post according to subject i.e my introduction. I have read a lot and like what I read a lot of educated, caring and creative group. First time seeking MS companies and work. I am unemployed and in bad financial shape. I don't know; if, any of u have heard and read the news about PR; but, we are in real bad shape economic wise.
Ok who is with me?

Puerto Rico has the population of Oklahoma and a gross domestic product smaller than Kansas’. It also has more debt — $70 billion — than any U.S. state government except California and New York. This fact and the reasons behind it help explain why the territory has tumbled over a fiscal cliff. And why the resulting dismay extends to investors far beyond the Caribbean island. It’s a tale of financial mismanagement, Wall Street complicity and good intentions gone awry. So, they say I blame it all on our government!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/09/2016 12:56PM by lusmou.

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Welcome to the forum. Mystery shopping is a way that you can help yourself. The rest of the world pretty much will have to figure out how to help itself. There is a lot of information in the New Mystery Shopper section of the forum to help new shoppers get started and get some understanding of how to manage their new business. Good luck to you!
Hi! I am a scheduler for Sinclair Customer Metrics and we offer pizza shops in Puerto Rico in San Juan, San Lorenzo, Juncos and Canovanas, if you are interested please feel free to contact me at or call me at 1-800-600-3871 EXT 333.
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