thinking about canning this.

the paperwork on some of these jobs is too much its not fair, to only be paid a few dollars, yopur time is worth much more than that , I have a new gig.

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I understand and hear your frustration. Definitely it is not well paying work. And for some folks it is a viable option while for others it is just a source of frustration and anger. Best wishes for your new gig.
I agree that many jobs are low paying. But I am new at this, and figure that I need practice, and will benefit from the experience of making mistakes. Also, with a bunch of shops successfully completed, I will be in a better position to pick and choose.

After I did some groups of shops for one company, they called me and asked if I would do some shops out of town if they would agree to pay me extra for mileage. I ended up getting $90 extra for those 3 shops.
Remember each time you sign up you are a "newbie" to them, so get your foot in the door with a hand full of good shops. If you are in/near an area with jobs that are hard to fill you are likely to see a number of such shops. How sweet it is ! :^)
I agree with Flash, once they get to know you...start checking your mailbox for one off emails. Also, you have to find a way to get more bang for your buck. What I do is scoop out an area I want to target everyday. Since I am with a company that allows me to audit gas stations, I choose all of those shops along the way. Once you get to know your companies, then u will know who has long drawn out reports and those that are quick and easy. I pick and choose things that will benefit my household or stash a lot of my stuff for Christmas, weddings, b-days, etc. Whenever I need a gift, I go to my basement storage!
Runs in the same location are the way to go......still, money is low, expectations high. This works for me, as I am retired, and brings me income and more important, a way to keep active, and explore new places, + the eating out is to die for!! Doing a healthy terrific burger place tonite 2 miles from my house, and, I would go there's a win win. I would be happier if they paid more, especially for the good serious shoppers. The tradeoff is, being your own boss over going into an office, which I would not do, could not do and would literally wither how dramatic!

Happy shopping to those of us that enjoy it and can make it the others, find something else.

Live consciously....
I agree with Irene. I am retired. If I get a group of shops in the same direction the total of the shops make the trip worth while. Individually I would not touch them as it is more work than reward.

You need something like shopping to keep your brain alive and keep active when most of your friends are still working. My money works for me so I do not have to.

If you are in it just for the money you are in the wrong income activity.

You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want ..Zig Zigler
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