I am a new member :

I am a new member to MSF, to a degree; I have just finished, what I just read known as an Open Audit. However, I did an Audit for an Audit Company. I live in a little town in Ohio , Better known as home of Cedar Point. Please ! give me information how to participate in the Forum. Also, how would I get assignments for my area.

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Welcome to the Board! Participate by posting your experiences. Get jobs by signing up for a bunch of companies we have listed for you...

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
@mrcomputer101 wrote:

Welcome to the Board! Participate by posting your experiences. Get jobs by signing up for a bunch of companies we have listed for you...
Please guide me and help me follow whats going on. I am a usually a fast learner. Today I'm not sure.
I would recommend that you take your time and read this board thoroughly. There is much useful information here and we're more than willing to be helpful if there's something that's unclear.

Good luck!

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Official List of Mystery Shopping Companies to find a list of about 200 companies you can register with. For guidance about setting up and running your small contracting business, you might start by reading the posts in the New Mystery Shopper area, [www.mysteryshopforum.com]

Read everything you can. Welcome to the forum!
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