Mystery Shopper Newbie!

Hello to all! I am brand spanking new to the mystery shopping world. My father enjoys it a lot and turned me onto it. I have my first shop on Monday :-) If anyone has any helpful advice or tips they would like to share then I'm all ears! Thanks!!

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How exciting! I'll always remember the first shops I lined up, re-reading guidelines, nervousness on site, dotting I's crossing T's on the reports, and the thrill of money at the end of the rainbow.

Advice and tips abound here, ambruce74. Welcome to the forum. Let us know how it goes!!
I have told only one person I am a mystery shopper, and swore her to secrecy. She is so envious of me, because she calls me a spy. She thinks that getting to "act" would be fun.

For me, the hardest part is staying organized. Keep all your assignments straight, do them on the correct day, at the correct time, getting directions ahead of time, and giving yourself enough time to enter your data. In other words, be organized.
rarely done Wrote:

> For me, the hardest part is staying organized.
> Keep all your assignments straight, do them on the
> correct day, at the correct time, getting
> directions ahead of time, and giving yourself
> enough time to enter your data. In other words,
> be organized.

That is a major requirement to making this successful and not ulcerous.
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