New to MS - are there any tutorials?

I just signed up with a company and haven't done any shops yet. I thought I might find a tutorial on the website once I was accepted, but there isn't anything other than the do's and don'ts. Is there anywhere that has something that shows what the paperwork will look like?

p.s. Do you have to do the shops alone, or can they be done while I'm already out with someone?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/21/2015 03:38AM by Shophop.

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Welcome to the forum! Some websites have certifications or tutorials but generally the guidelines for the specific shop you are performing supersedes anything you may have read or heard elsewhere. What you probably have seen thus far is your 'ICA' or Independent Contractor Agreement. That is the legal basis for your work for the company as an Independent Contractor. The actual report you will be filling out may range anywhere from a series of check boxes to substantial narratives, so there is no way we can tell you in advance what the paperwork is likely to entail without knowing which company you have registered with.

Generally shops are done alone. Your guidelines will tell you if you absolutely MUST be alone or if you MUST take someone with you (for things like restaurant shops for two, etc.)

There is a lot about how this works and getting yourself organized in the sticky threads at the top of the New Mystery Shopper section of the forum.
Thanks. Yes, I've been reading the New Mystery Shopper threads and they are very helpful. I guess I need to just take the plunge and sign up for a shop to see how it's done.
Eventually yes, you get to dive in. Pick a shop that looks interesting that has a due date a few days out and that is going to be an expenditure of your time (i.e. not a shop with a large reimbursement which you might not get repaid if the shop is not accepted). Immediately after you are awarded the shop download and print the guidelines and the shop form if possible. For your first couple of different types of shops it helps to have the instructions printed out so that you can mark them up as may be needed. If you have general questions, posting them in the New Shopper section will get you some assistance pretty quickly. If you have specific questions you will want to put in a request for assistance with the scheduler or company as soon as possible. We are coming onto holiday week so staffs are likely to be skeletal, but someone should be around until probably Wednesday.
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