Round two

Hello everyone!

I first got in to mystery shopping in 2012 as I was looking into income possibilities for my daughter. I quickly realized it would not be for her but I was intrigued by it. I worked for about ten companies and started my love/hate relationship with the whole process. I was still working full time then so put it on hold until this summer after I retired from my full time job. I don't consider myself retired but self employed instead.

I only did covert work in the past but I have tried some revealed audits for a large wireless carrier and have liked them. I will be doing two hotels tomorrow that have been railed recently in the discussion forum. I will let you know it goes.

From what I have read so far in this forum, there are many valuable insights revealed here. It has help me identify the sources of my frustrations and that it doesn't always have to be that way. Thank you all so much for that!

Mystery Shopping | Auditing | Site and Auto Inspections Central and Southern Indiana

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