Happy Or Not


My name is Ken O'Connor and I represent a company called Happy or Not here in North America and Canada. This is a very unique technology for mystery shopping organizations and shines a new light on the customer experience.

(Mod note: The majority of this post was removed as it was deemed personal advertising and therefore not permitted.)

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Hello, Ken, I'm confused about what your company does. It appears that you are advertising a service to companies that will take the place of mystery shoppers and allow the companies to read feedback directly from their customers. Am I misunderstanding?

If you are not looking for mystery shoppers, this is probably not the best place to be advertising. We are a forum of professional mystery shoppers.
Austin Mom,

Thanks for your feedback. Our service is more of an add on to Mystery shopping. The service is truly meant to be a barometer for the end client to gauge when to send the mystery shopper in. We are able to create Anonymous feedback from the customer weather it be Hourly or Weekly to take the pulse of the customer and as a mystery shopper you can do you job more effectively. Those mystery shoppers can target specific times of the day and report their feedback as they see fit. This is just another tool in your tool belt.
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