Greetings from Southern California!

Hi! I'm no newbie to secret shopping but I just today learned of this forum so here I am brand spanking new. I've been a mystery shopper since 2001. I learned about mystery shopping because a friend of mine owned one and encouraged me to do it. So I was introduced personally by a company that sent out shoppers. I've since joined with practically every company that uses shoppers online and I shop regularly. I go through periods where I don't shop sometimes. I don't find it to be lucrative but it does keep a steady trickle of income coming my way so I keep doing it. Nice to be a part of a community! Ta ta!

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Welcome! We will look forward to your contributions.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
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