New to mystery shopping as a second job

Hello there! I'm in the mid-Atlantic region and began mystery shopping 7 weeks ago. I've known about this type of work for five years, but was leery of trying it. I work full-time so this is a second job for me. I'm trying to get out of debt without disrupting my family life too much. I have three girls in middle school and they are fascinated by the fact that Mommy gets paid money to test drive cars and go to the bank. :-)

I have to say that I am thoroughly enjoying mystery shopping. I'm also learning a lot from the more experienced shoppers here on the forum. Mystery shopping as a second job sure beats working at a retail store at night or delivering pizzas!

I used to see a life coach pretty regularly.... back when they were called bartenders.

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Welcome to the forum! Congratulations on having a goal! That makes it a lot easier to 'get back on the horse that threw you' when a shop goes bad. Mystery Shopping is indeed an enjoyable thing and has a lot of perks to offer!
You are absolutely right, Flash! I had a horrendous shop on Tuesday. A bank shop that took 35 minutes for the visit portion last month took an hour and forty-five minutes this time. I was really late getting back to work (I scheduled this for my lunch break) and was totally frustrated with the process because I had a narrative heavy report that was going to take another hour or so to type up. The job was not as lucrative as I had originally planned.

However, I took a look at my spreadsheet that night and averaged out my booked income against time spent working MS and realized that I wasn't doing too bad on an hourly basis after all.

I used to see a life coach pretty regularly.... back when they were called bartenders.
You are off to a great start and have the sort of attitude that will earn you success.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
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