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It sounds like you want to make money from home without leaving home and that is an arena full of scams and scum. There are 'affiliated marketing' deals out there where you need to register with lots of websites for 'trial memberships' using your credit card. Two words: STAY AWAY. It immediately gets you on everybody's sucker list and since you now have a 'business relationship' calls can legally be made to even a phone on the 'no call list'. As an added bonus, should you fail to cancel your 'free trials' quickly enough your credit card will be charged. Do I need to caution beyond this??
There are some legitimate phone calls from home. You are safest going through a legitimate mystery shopping company that sometimes has calls to businesses to evaluate courtesy and knowledge than from some outfit that wants you calling residences in the kind of stuff I suspect you hang up on as well. Generally the legitimate phone calls pay $3 to $10 depending on how complex and how long the report will be.