
I'm a new guy on the Indiana/Ohio Border near I-70. I do dispatch-based IT calls with national companies much in the same way that the larger mystery shopper companies seem to work, so this should work out well.

Question: I do my IT work with places like FieldNation and WorkMarket, where you can easily look for work in your area, show qualifications, etc. Since there are hundreds of MS companies, is there any kind of unified brokerage portal similar to what I mentioned above?

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Not really. There are secondary job boards such as jobslinger.com but eventually to take a job you need to register with the individual companies.
I was looking at that. So, register for the companies listed here:
(or JobSlinger Recruiterator)
Then use JobSlinger to better manage them, in a way?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/30/2015 02:40AM by sirnetwork.
There is a link to a list of companies at the bottom of each page of this forum titled "Official List of Mystery Shopping Companies". I'm sure it has many if not most of the same companies as Volition, but here there are also links to conversations about companies because 'not all companies are created equal'. Jobslinger.com will show you what has recently been available, but generally those jobs have been taken very fast. It will, however, offer you some idea about the kinds of jobs certain companies have so that you can register with those companies that have jobs of interest in your area.
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