New Canadian Shopper

Hi everyone...I just started shopping a week ago and have 2 shops completed but waiting for results.I was wondering if there are very many Canadians in this forum?

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Hi Ladybrat,

Although I am not a Canadian, I am aware of quite a few Canadian shoppers on the forum. Some will make that status more visible than others. You might search the forum for the word Canada or Canadian to find some threads or posts of interest.

You are also correct to note if you have that most of the discussion is centered on shopping the United States. I think that is more because there are many more shops and more companies based there. But many companies have clients that cross the border and some companies are Canadian based with shops only in Canada.

Welcome and enjoy the forum!

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
Hi, Ladybrat! smiling smiley I am not a Canadian shopper but sometimes shop near the U.S. border. I lived in one of the border states for most of my life. Welcome to the forums, as well as to the mystery shopping business!
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