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Welcome to you both! Have a look around to see what a wonderful resource this forum is. smiling smiley

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
I am new to this. I recently did my first MS. I was notified today that a cheque was being sent to reimburse me on my purchase during the MS. What I don't understand is that I was to buy something and they would reimburse up to $74 depending on purchase price. My purchase was well over a hundred and the email says I'm getting $55.75 back. I made my purchase based on the expectation of getting $74 back. Am I missing something? Thanks
They specified an item for you to purchase and they would reimburse you up to $74 for that item? Was that specific item $74 or more? Or is your purchase well over a hundred because you bought several things?

Do you have the email or shop instructions that indicated they would reimburse up to $74? If indeed you only see back the $55.75 when the check comes, contact them. It is also possible that the email notice of the $55.75 is in error.
Thanks for your reply. I bought one item and it stated I would be reimbursed up to 74. If I spent more than 74 than I would get the full 74. If I spent less than 74 I would get the amount of the one item I purchased. I did email the billing dept about why my cheque isn't right but no reply. This was for a shop that only sells their own brand of jewelry. It is a European company with exclusive jewelry. ( hope that helps you know what company I'm talking about. ) thanks so much
Check their website for a phone number and call them. I think I know the shop you are talking about and I think I heard complaints that the reimbursement offered was reduced, but if you got one of the shops prior to that reduction, you should be entitled to the full reimbursement. I haven't done the shop myself.
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