
Hi, I am new. I have signed up with probably about 25 mystery shopping companies, CORI and Trendsource are a couple. I have already completed one assignment and enjoyed it.

I found this forum probably a week ago and I have been reading as much as I can. I am one of those kinds of people that is leary about giving out my SS number.

My biggest thing is, I live in a small city in Mississippi, and the majority of the companies I have signed up with have nothing in/near my area at all. I wish that ALL of the mystery shopping companies would let you view their available areas to shop before asking for your SS (like some of the sassie shops I've signed up with).

I have also checked with Volition and MSPA, but if there is anyone else from Mississippi here that can suggest some sites for me, I would definitely appreciate it!!


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Shops come and go. Companies you are signed up with now may well have shops in MS even now but you will need to watch their job boards over the monthly and quarterly cycle to see what pops up (if they are good enough shops, they will be grabbed quickly by others in your area). So don't despair that you have signed up in vain smiling smiley
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