Hello from Oklahoma!!

Hello, All!! I'm really excited to get started with this... trying to supplement my income as well as eventually try and do this full time. Does anyone have any tips on how to proceed from here? And, is it really possible to do this full time?

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The question of whether it can be full time comes up a lot and there is no simple answer. How big is the city or town where you live? Does it have a lot of franchises (most shopping is done of chains, not single location places)? How far are you willing to travel to do shops? How much competition is there in your city/town?

I would suggest that you start by reading through the 'sticky' threads at the top of the New Mystery Shopper area for some tips on getting started right with your new business and then start registering with companies that offer shops (MSPs). There is a link at the bottom of each forum page to the forum's Official List of Mystery Shopping Companies.
Thank you so much, Flash! I actually have been looking thru the New Members section. There really is a lot to take in! As far as how large of an area I live, not very. I live in a population of 36K. But Owasso and Tulsa are just 30 and 45 miles south of here, so that isn't too bad! And as for competition, I have no idea at all. Guess I will do some more research, and jump in with both feet and see how it plays out! smiling smiley
Give yourself a fighting chance and try one shop. Next trip out, do one of the shop you are now familiar with and one new-to-you shop. Next trip out . . . i.e. don't tackle more than one new-to-you shop per outing. So get your experience locally and then think about a day trip into Tulsa or Owasso with a bunch of familiar shops to make it worth the ride. Shops are not difficult, though there is often a lot to remember so start with good habits of making notes between shops. Write ups tend to be commensurate with pay in how much information is wanted, but that is not always true and you will read a fair amount of complaint in the forum about companies/shops that are just downright cheap compared to what they expect of shoppers.

Good luck and happy shopping!
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