Hello from Portland!

Hi, I just signed up to BestMark and Intellishop and am looking at some potentials for my first shop. This looks like a fun venture that I can do on the side for a little extra cash while keeping my day job. I have been looking through the forum and am impressed at all the information available but I am wondering which are the must read threads I should go through first. I would very much appreciate any tips before I get started.


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Welcome to the forum.

I would highly recommend heading over to the New Mystery Shoppers Section and reading all the threads "stickied" to the top of the list. They will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about Mystery Shopping. And then some. Enjoy.

Lady Marius
Canadian Mystery Shopper

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/30/2015 06:40PM by Lady Marius.
Hi Portland, you should sign up with Amusement Advantage. They have a shop in your area that the scheduler is forever scrambling to fill. It's a good shop; they just don't seem to have enough shoppers in that immediate area.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/30/2015 06:54PM by MrEToomey.
@Lady Marius wrote:

Welcome to the forum.

I would highly recommend heading over to the New Mystery Shoppers Section and reading all the threads "stickied" to the top of the list. They will tell you everything you ever wanted to know about Mystery Shopping. And then some. Enjoy.

Thank you Lady Marius! I'll check out.
@MrEToomey wrote:

Hi Portland, you should sign up with Amusement Advantage. They have a shop in your area that the scheduler is forever scrambling to fill. It's a good shop; they just don't seem to have enough shoppers in that immediate area.

Thanks MrEToomey, This is in Portland, OR? I very much appreciate the heads up and will look into. Thank you so much!

Glad I found this place.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/14/2015 01:33AM by Tocino.
This is fun and pretty easy! Glad I checked it out! To those that took the time to help out a newb, thanks again!
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