From SJ, CA


I'm from San Jose. I've been doing mystery shopping for 6 years now and been a Gold MSPA for 3 years. I'm new here so try to be easy on me.

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Welcome! Check out the Board and share what you know...smiling smiley

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.
I love San Jose .... I was lucky enough to live there for about 6 months (husband was on location for a Lockheed job) and it was great ..... LOVED the weather. After our six months we came home to Texas. Was glad to be home but I could have happily stayed in the San Jose area. Welcome!
Hi gnynot
We are neighbors!! I live in Los Gatos. Welcome to the forum. I started MSing last year as I was laid off in Jan. I have found a new career but still continue
to shop when I have the time. I have picked up many great tips from the members of this forum. So enjoy and welcome to the family!!!
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