new shopper

I am new to this and I am wondering is a good company ? I applyed for a position. They gave me a shop. I did the shop and they did not request me to buy anything, but now I can not submit my shop because I do Not have a receipt. I can also not contact a coordinator. What to do ?? Have any of you had this problem ??

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Hi, pattitrisha, welcome to the forum. I have done many shops for Secret Shopper over the last 4 years and I have never done a shop where they did not require a purchase. Go back and read the directions again. Secret Shopper pays a flat fee, which includes a purchase that you are required to make as your proof of visit. I would contact them and see if you can do the shop again.Try very hard to reach them and to do the shop over, making the correct purchase, because if it is your first shop with them, Secret Shopper usually will not give you another chance if you goof up.
roflwofl is on target here, patti. I've done many shops for Secret Shopper since 2008. They are a great company to work with, although they have lost a bunch of my favorite clients and no longer have many shops in my area. Every shop I have ever done with them has required a purchase and a receipt. They do pay a flat fee. Out of that flat fee, you are required to make a small purchase of your choice and upload the receipt. I would agree: go back and re-read the guidelines. It may be too late to save this shop with a re-shop, and the company may not be willing to let you re-shop, but I would try to contact a scheduler during business hours. I don't believe they work nights, but you should be able to contact someone during their standard business hours. Good luck!
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