Taken directly from the Integrity Consultants sign up page:
Integrity Consultants is a national firm offering a variety of market research services, including mystery shopping and video shopping, telephone evaluations, call center studies, audio recorded shops, video recorded shops, competitive intelligence, business intelligence, competitor research, pricing studies, exit interviews, business verifications, and compliance audits.
Your Success is Our Success ®
Integrity Consultants is proud to be a member of the Mystery Shopping Providers Association (MSPA) and Accredited by the Better Business Bureau ( BBB ) with an A+ Rating.
Please join us for "Social Integrity" on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and/or GooglePlus. #ICMysteryShop
Shoppers are also invited to subscribe to the Market Research Pros blog, where shopper submission of field stories and tips is welcome, and join the group Market Research Pros on Facebook to network with nearly 2,000 shoppers, schedulers, and company owners.
My personal insight-
Honestly, before Kelly Truelove, the CEO of Integrity Consultants, contacted me to help her with scheduling, I was contemplating giving up on it.
I had become disillusioned with scheduling due to the way the company I was scheduling for was treating shoppers. I figured that this was the way all MSCs treated contractors; until I spoke with Kelly.
Kelly and I are from the same mindset that shoppers are an integral part of the mystery shopping industry and they deserve to be treated with the utmost respect.
I have finally found a company which I believe in! The CEO is amazing and very easy to talk to. She does not mind talking to shoppers and has even helped at times when a shopper needs immediate assistance and has questions about shops that are not through the company. She is VERY active in the mystery shopping community and runs the "Market Research Pros" facebook group.
This is for all the shoppers on this forum- if you are not signed up for Integrity Consultants, I personally invite you to sign up to shop with us, grow with us and join us in revolutionizing this industry!
Integrity Consultants pays above the industry standard for assignments and pays via Paypal or check 45 days after shop acceptance.
@vlade5394 wrote:
It's always good to hear from you Dante. Why don't you tell us a bit more about Integrity Consultants?
Arguing with fools is like playing chess with a pigeon...
...No matter how good you are, the pigeon will s@^t on the board and strut around like it won anyway.
Not scheduling for ANY company.