Read, read, read, yes, please. There is lots of information on this forum that makes it an awesome source. However, that can also be it's greatest flaw. I have noticed some new members get caught up in trying to become an expert in everything by reading they don't get themselves out of the house to do some shops.
I feel nothing can replace the actual experience as a part of a new shopper's learning curve. Learning the company's different websites, how to get jobs, how to read the instructions and guidelines, how to enter the reports, finding out the number and types of opportunities in your area, etc.. These things can be read about, but must be experienced, at least a little, to know if this is for you. Someone who is detail orientated and motivated can do a simpler shop immediately. All one needs is some beginner friendly companies with shops in their area.
LisaSTL is correct about the video and audio recording. It is not necessary to become an expert in that just yet as 95% or more of shops do not require recording of any kind. Unless you are thinking of recording the shops for your own purposes.
I hope I have convinced you that doing some shops are part of the learning curve. I'll throw some names out there for you to go on. Bare, Maritz, Stericycle (Expert Solutions), Market Force, Jobslnger/Prestomobile.
Good luck and have fun!
Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/06/2015 12:28PM by vlade5394.