Addicted to Mys-Life already - NJ to FL

Heeeeeeeeeey everyone!!! New member here... For the last few years, I have been knee deep into doing focus groups, surveys, online focus groups, and mock juries for my side income and a couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine mentioned that I could be good at mystery shopping (I was an actress in my past life lol). So I gave it a whirl and totally addicted!! I have a daughter away at camp this summer and my full-time job is a snorefest, so I figured why not? I am currently working with 8 companies and having a blast!! I am learning fast, thats for sure. I just took my Gold Cert exam for MSPA and waiting on my results. Only made one mistake so far, but it cost me an hour of my life and a $5 fee lol. I travel a lot so I right now I've only been doing shops in NJ and NYC area, but have some assigments coming up in South FL and totally excited. But, I've learned so much in this short amount of time and soooooo looking forward to getting to know you all!!!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/29/2015 07:09PM by MysVal.

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