From Knoxville, TN

Hi Everyone,

I have been mystery shopping for about 7 years now. I love it because I can do as much or little as I want to. I am retired from the State of TN and also from co-owning a real estate and developing business with my ex-husband for 25 years. That gave me a natural basis for working with people. It has also helped me land a lot of good assignments with real estate firms, banks, financial institutions of other genres and businesses in general. It has also been useful for Medically related jobs. So be sure if you are new to play up any experience or expertise you have - even if it is just a hobby or community service involvement. Those experiences go a long way sometimes with recruiters. Life experiences are not small matters! I won employee of the month company wide with one of my companies this past year. To me, that was the pinnacle of my mystey shopping career. The approval and acceptance of your recruiter and scheduler means so much. Talk to her/him, call them by name and always call them if there is a problem. Develping a good working relationship with them is the crux of getting more assignments.
Hope to talk with more of you as time goes on.

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Welcome to the forum. It sounds like you're quite successful with much experience! Kudos to the "employee" of the month award. Are you employed by a company? By and large, mystery shoppers are independent contractors, not employees.
Thank you for your kind remarks. No I am not an employee of any company - I said employee out of habit. When I am working an assignment I DO consider myself an employee, though. They are paying me to do a job and in every sense I am their employee and to them I owe my loyalty. However, the award was the SHOPPER of the MONTH. Sorry, no intent to mislead.
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