Hello everybody

Hi there everyone I am new at this but am trying to move forward. In fact I am so new I haven't even done my first assignment. I tried to join a group called mystery shopper and they said they would get in touch with me about sending out my funds and getting me started on my first assignment, that was a week ago and haven't heard a word from them. have e-mailed them 3 times and no response, any suggestions?

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DON"T DO IT. If they are talking about sending yu $$$$ it is a scam.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
middleempire, finding this forum before your first shop can be a real advantage to you. You'll read about not falling prey to scams. There is much information here to help you get started, from record keeping, taxes, companies/clients, and shared experiences. Welcome.
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