I want to do this

I am currently unemployed and that is because I am disabled and living on a Government income SSDI that is below poverty income. With the help of Social Security's Ticket to Work, Vocational Rehabilitation, and WIN. the local office here in Lane county is called LILA that stands for Lane Independent Living Alliance I can start a new career doing something new that I can with my disabilities that I wont go into details right now with. I am seriously looking into being a Mystery Shopper as a new Business/ Career and would love some feedback on all who are making money in this exciting adventure.
So please give me some feed back with anyone who is making a living doing this type of work and if it is something that Voc. Rehab. and LILA can go with. I will get the funding needed to start and thrive in this what I consider a passion of mine to be a Mystery Shopper business if the $ figures show potential for substantial income.

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This is not a big income proposition. Fees per job average $10-15 and require you to spend $1-5 on average to be reimbursed. The average job takes two hours for the first one you do--between taking certifying tests, studying the instructions, doing the job on site and reporting it on your computer with uploads of receipts, photos and whatever is required. Subsequent performance of the same or similar jobs will likely cut in half the time of the first job you did because not always do you recertify and often the instructions do not change from your previous shop. Reporting times also become quicker after you have done the report several times.

Making a career of mystery shopping is not feasible in most markets as there are not enough evaluations to be done.

To do this work you need to spend a fair amount of time looking at job boards to find work to apply for. You need to work within fairly limited time windows to get the work done. You need to supply all your own equipment and supplies as well as cash up front to make required purchases. You need to provide your own transportation, internet access and such.

It can work well as supplemental income depending on job availability in your market and your observation and reporting skills. Job availability is a key issue during this time of economic downturn as many clients have curtailed or eliminated their evaluations.
Mystery Shopping is still a passion of mine and want to do it but it seems I will need to find a business that will give me the extra time needed to do assignments. I am not discouraged yet. I will just have to wait till I have the funds from my new Career to get started Mystery Shopping. My next step is calling Voc Rehab and find out what's the hold up and get them going because they are what's keeping me from having a better life. Thanks for your feed back and I will assign my new computer to Business only so I will start a G-mail and Hotmail account when I get the new computer.
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