Jumping back in

I used to do shops but stopped about 4ish yrs ago because the pay was going down and gas going up. I'm thinking about jumping back in. I was certified. Is it still needed to get the better paying jobs? Has much changed in my absense? Thanks in advance.

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Welcome to the forum!

What's new?

A few things.

PrestoMobile was created.
MSPA certification is getting a significant makeover.
Video is being used more.
Some companies died,
many others merged or were bought.
This forum became more popular than another.
Jacob launched a weekly e-magazine.
The mutilated pizza shop moved to yet another MSP. . or two.

Have a read around the forum to get some more details.

Have fun with it. smiling smiley

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
Thanks for the Welcome.
I'll have to see what PrestoMobile is all about.
Some of the companies needed to die.
The mutilated pizza shop should die with them.
My favs were the bank and new car shops.
Hoping to shop mainly South Jersey and Florida 3 months out of the year.
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