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Ricci, this forum is made up of shoppers exchanging info. Start reading the New Mystery Shoppers Section for the how-to's. How to sign up with companies, how to check and apply for shops, how to watch for assignments, etc. A tip to start with is to not type in all caps. Good luck!
I would like to do movies, anyone know where I can do mystery shoping for movies. Trying to boarding my mystery experience.

I also sign up for BestMark shop, it was an experience, I had to go into the shoes store in try on shoes. Of course you had to purchase them, and return them the same day. It was fun! Again, Bestmark mystery shop
Forget about making "real $$" for awhile...hoe in on improving your writing skills. This will take a couple months, then you'll see the better jobs and make some $$. This is not a profession for people searching for wealth, however a fun interesting part time job. The industry is changing, but, if you take it seriously, it will suppliment your income. I'm retired and it helps, + keeps me busy...have had some great lunches & dinners and learned alot.

Live consciously....
This forum has a lot of information to offer, so welcome Ricci. Good to meet you.

I have lurked here for a while but just joined. I have been shopping for six years. Too often it seems new shoppers want a blueprint or cheat sheet for mystery shopping.

Ricci - do a lot of reading here and also ask questions. People will help you get started...
Hi, Ricci, sign up with lots of companies so you can look at their job boards to decide on jobs to apply for. There's a good list here under Mystery Shopping Company Discussion. Good luck!
rockrians123..thank you for saying that. yes, too often peole come here and just expect us to tell them the path to what Jay Tee calls "the money tree." Just not gonna happen.

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
Thanks, Dee. If you find te money tree, let me know where it is, lol.

I find a lot of good information here and I appreciate the willingness of veterans to share their expertise.

I do laugh when someone registers and basically says, "Show me the money." We do this because we enjoy it, but I don't think anyone of us believes we will get rich.

To me, it is about doing your homework and being prepared. Don't expect a handout or a blueprint. Initiative is a wonderful thing.
The point is that to do mystery shopping is to run a small business. To run a small business, one must have initiative, information and follow through. The statistics I have heard are that 80% of small businesses fail within the first year. My guess is that the percentage is at least that high for mystery shopper's businesses as well.

Nobody can give you initiative, it must come from within. I have taken the time to write up information that I have learned by experience and from other shoppers over the years and put it in the New Mystery Shopper section so that those who are motivated have as many tools available to them as possible. And it is free--you can't beat the price.

Many shoppers over time have contributed to this forum their ideas and methodologies from their own practices. The diversity of these alone should give the new shopper an understanding that there is no one 'right' way to do this but rather that shopping and their business will be constantly evolving. But like any business, it needs to be organized and systematic. The bottom line is that it is not just about figuring out what company shops the place you want to visit but rather getting everything in place to build a business as a whole. You grow your own money tree. The seeds were in the shops you did yesterday, the water and fertilizer are in the shops you did today and do in the future. You need to prune and shape your tree with care to have it grow in the shape and to the size you want. And indeed you will never get rich from this, but you can significantly enhance your life.
Excellent post, Flash!

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
This cracked me up. I got into shopping 10 years ago thinking it was an easy way to make money. My husband at the time and I were poor and needed money to pay the utilities. I lived in a small town and moved to an even smaller town during that time. It wasn't until my last child was born in 06 that I started making enough to pay the electric bill.

I have gone from shopper to editor, to scheduler and am now a shopper and editor again.

This is definitely not a business to make a quick buck, but with hard work and perseverance, you can make a pretty nice pay check.

Make friends with the schedulers at your favorite companies, and do the scut work to get your foot in the door for companies who have great shopper feedback.
7602825337 Wrote:
> Whare do I go 4job listings

You go the mystery shopping provider sites. First step is signing with the MSPs, and then you can check their boards for shops, or they may email available shops to you. You'll find a list of MSPs on this forum under Mystery Shopping Company Discussion.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/21/2010 01:44PM by Mert.
I was ready be be a shopper, then my best friend got scammed by a fake MS ad. They sent her a large check, had her deposit it in her account and send a large part of it back, keeping the rest. The bank closed her account and they want her to pay the rest back. Being a retired person living on SS I can't afford to make any mistakes. I need to know the companies I deal with are real MS companies, and I'm not wasteing what little money I do have.
And that is why you are looking at a forum, I would assume. There is legitimate mystery shopping out there. There is a list of legitimate companies here that the link in Mert's post will take you to. And the money involved is peanuts compared with what the scammers suggest is possible (which is why they are scammers).
whilame Wrote:
> I would like to do movies, anyone know where I can
> do mystery shoping for movies. Trying to boarding
> my mystery experience.
> I also sign up for BestMark shop, it was an
> experience, I had to go into the shoes store in
> try on shoes. Of course you had to purchase them,
> and return them the same day. It was fun! Again,
> Bestmark mystery shop

There is one company i Have worked with before, They do what they call trailer checks and Time checks. The trailer check involves you going to the movie theater revealing yourself to management and viewing and notating what trailers are playing before assigned movie. The time checks are easy as well you simply have to notate the times listed for the assigned movies. Pays usually 5 to 10.00.
google certified reports,

Hello My name is Tim. I have been doing mystery shopping for 20yrs. Welcome any questions. I am here to help you succeed. and make extra money.
Hi Tim. Thanks for the offer of help. You say "I am here to help you succeed, and make extra money." I mystery shop to earn extra money. Is that what you're referring to?
I thought what he meant was that he would help you both succeed and make extra money. :-)

“Lying in bed would be an altogether perfect and supreme experience if only one had a colored pencil long enough to draw on the ceiling."
~Gilbert K. Chesterton
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