New Shopper

Trying to wade through the process of signing up with companies in my area. This is terribly time consuming and tedious!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2015 07:57PM by Trombone.

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Hi, Trombone, welcome to the forum! I like to think of it as MUCH, MUCH easier than applying for a full-time job....filling out applications is REALLY time-consuming. Registering with mystery shopping companies is so much faster and easier.....they ask for hardly any information. I can do about 20 in the time it takes to fill out a job application. And no interview required. They just send us an e-mail that we are accepted and we can log in and look for assignments!
You are right. It is tedious and time consuming. But it is also the way to do it.

May I suggest you keep records of which companies got the benefit of your applications, the login information, etc. That investment in time now will save you time in the future. It has for me.

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
Hi everyone, I'm new to the community of mystery shopping. I looking forward to all the fun and excite that mystery shopping can be.
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