Badged ATL Airport Shopper

I shop frequently in the Atlanta metro area. I am badged at Atlanta Airport (until 6/20 - hoping a new company will be willing to pay for a new badge if the old company doesn't renew it). I frequently do restaurant shops (my favorite is Ruth's Chris) and also do electronics shops, fast food, car sales, credit cards, etc. I recently completed a price audit for the first time and loved it because it was so easy (write down prices for 100 items for $25). I'd like to find more of those.

Hoping to get some good leads here and tips and tricks to make myself a better shopper and more valuable to the companies that hire me. I do a lot of shops requiring a lot of dialogue, so I've gotten very well versed at remembering and writing them down. (I recently had a shop grade reduced because "Too much word for word dialogue, we don't expect you to remember what was said so we had to edit that out".) My average shop grade is a 10 for several companies (except for an 8-9 for that company). That comment frustrated me to no end but I have almost stopped shopping for them anyway because of terrible shopper pay.

When I'm not shopping, I teach science. Some days, I'm running all over doing both.

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hi chemmy!
I worked for the airlines for several years and I'm wondering what is required to get an airport badge. I tried doing shops for awhile when I was traveling but found time constrains just too much. If flight is delayed or you can't find the shuttle in Chicago, bam....there goes your shop. Just wondering about the cost and if it would be worth it to get one.

You cannot just get a badge to enter the secured area of an airport without being sponsored by an employer or an MS company that has arranged to get its shoppers badged. It requires a very thorough security check, background screening and fingerprinting. In my experience, the two MSCs who have gotten me security badged paid the fee for that. Oh, and you also have to pass a couple of tests administered by the airport authority.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
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