Hi there from Ohio also

Hi there everyone. It is nice to have a little support group going on here. I started mystery shopping in January of 2015. It is slow going for me. Finding shops and then filling out the surveys are time consuming to the point I am wondering why I am doing this. I cannot see any real profit, if I count all of my time spent. But, I enjoy it. I like meeting people and doing the shops. I am going to hang in there longer, as I think I am learning with every shop I do and learning also by reading and studying Mystery shopping on the internet. I am so glad to have found this site.

Have a good month of May. In Ohio, I always say, if you miss May, you have missed the best part of summer season. It is usually beautiful and a nice temperature and no bugs yet.
I hope to get out; even it is in and out of the car "shopping."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/27/2015 06:28AM by mmetzger.

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Welcome! Yes there is a steep learning curve for shop guidelines and reports. Hang in there; it gets easier.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
Welcome fellow Ohioan!

Arguing with fools is like playing chess with a pigeon...
...No matter how good you are, the pigeon will s@^t on the board and strut around like it won anyway.

Not scheduling for ANY company.
Very interested in mystery shopping... would like to participate.. with whom do I contact... where are the legit sites... tired of scam..
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