New Shopper!

Hi, I just completed my fist 2 mystery shops last night for MSI. I am very excited to complete more. I live in the Phoenix, AZ area. My Mother In-law was a mystery shopper in N. Cali., and said she had fun doing them. She only did 3/week. I am looking to eventually fill 3 - 4 days of my week with mystery shops. I am currently only signed up for 4 sites, but am looking to sign up for many more. I am also interested in doing alcohol, and cigarette audits since I am not yet 30. I haven't found any companies that do them though.

I'm glad to of found this message board. It has been a great help so far!!
Thank you!!

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If you want to fill up three to four days a week with shops you'll need to sign up with over a hundred companies. There's a list of official companies at the bottom of the page and I would suggest you take a week and sign up with them all.

I could be wrong here but I think at 30 you're too old for the compliance shops. I know that one in particular has the upper age limit of 28. My daughter was doing them but just aged out.
Not YET 30. I'm only 28. I haven't found any company that does compliance shops yet. I'll keep signing up.
Is there anyone who does this as a full time job, or is it just to make extra money?
Both! Just depends on you...

Shopping Bama and parts of Georgia.
I'm still learning 24/7.

I have just joined this forum. I have been mystery shopping for 10 years and I am from Edinburgh, Scotland. I am looking forward to some interesting discussions on here.
Welcome Pubspy!

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
I have done compliance shops for Rite Aid to make sure the cashiers ask for ID to buy cigarettes and I'm 45. They are out there but mostly for younger shoppers.
Hi there!

I too am fairly new here just finding out about the community forum this morning! Nice to read your post! Best wishes smiling smiley

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