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Better late than never is right. I think I wound up here just reading due to Maritz frustration, found I could help out some people and wound up posting when I had only intended on lurking. LOL.

Not sure if I ever DID introduce myself. I should really go back and do that. I I'm not shopping much at the moment, and too soon to put the garden in, so I'm using the time to learn more here and apply for new companies.

As for spelling, typos and grammer. I was always bad at it. I got As for content and Ds for mechanics all through high school. Improved a bit in the punctuation department in college... love spell check. I also just disagree with English so I can be stubborn about doing it the way I think I should be. Of course, I can't and don't do this on shop reports. But I'm not going to take the fun out of posting by having to write like this is a report.

Where are we going... and why are we in a hand basket?
@scanman1 wrote:

I know, I have typo's and bad grammar in my introduction post. drinking smiley

Really? I didn't see past the eye. smiling smiley




Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
Hellow every one,

I have to do this for a long time. I can put in 50 hour a week, I will enjoy this thank you all for the email. Can I start Thursday of this week
Welcome Lexxycon!

Glad to have you aboard.

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
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