Hi - MSC in ME

Hi everyone,

I'm Ricardo and I live in Jordan - in the middle-east smiling smiley
I'm new to the forum and I totally like the idea of it !

Since many of you here has a good experience to the industry; I just need to ask if there are mystery shopping companies that perform jobs in the middle-east beside International Service Check ?


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Hi, Ricardo, welcome to the forum. Almost all of us are in Canada or the United States, so we don€'t really have much idea which companies shop in the middle east. You might try Bare International.
Hi Ricardo,

Welcome to the forum. You might also check MSPA for more companies. The MSPA is a trade association of mystery shopping providers that started in the US. It expanded to include areas around the world. Checkout MSPA Europe from this link. [www.mysteryshop.org]

Happily shopping Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut
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