Been outta the game a few years

Shopping in your 20s is SOOOOO much different then shopping in your 30s. Gotta say I like this decade of shops better . When I moved to the country I got into the the animals are still there but a hell of a lot less and I'm doing around 15 shops a week. So if anyone needs a reptile I can still hook ya up tongue sticking out smiley

Has anyone got any experience with the video shops , I've been doing a lot of bank and car shops lately and I'm seeing that there is around $100 difference in what I do and what the video can bring me.

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Just do a search on "video" for the past year and you will find tons of video info, shoppers and good advice.

Welcome to the forums.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
@Mystic wrote:

Shopping in your 20s is SOOOOO much different then shopping in your 30s.

Shopping in your 20's and shopping in your 40's is even more different! ;-) Especially as the technology has changed - I started with phoning and mailing in reports! It seems odd to think of it now but things changed awfully fast. I do kind of miss it though - it was nice, in some ways, having that personal connection.
It's all good - you get more efficient, less tolerant of BS and much more practical as your life's needs and situations change. Welcome back and best of luck!
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